Virtual Venue and Converia

Twice as Strong

Virtual Venue Combined with Our Conference Management Software Converia

The Virtual Venue platform reaches its full potential when combined with our conference management software Converia that helps you organize the registration process, manage scientific abstracts and papers, and create the conference schedule. This is how you make sure that only registered people can access the conference’s content, and you can precisely define the groups that are authorized to access specific parts of the conference. This prevents video links from being shared when they are linked to a paid conference.

Converia data are automatically transferred to the Virtual Venue. Due to the strict compliance with the GDPR, the data of your conference are protected at all times and there is no double administration effort for you.

Some of the clients we are privileged to work with

Start Planning

Get to know our Virtual Venue platform. We will be happy to show you what your virtual or hybrid conference can look like. Our team will accompany you before, during and after the conference and provide you with answers, support and useful advice.